Makayla Carpenter

Are you tired of turning towards food to cope?

Learn the Exact Steps to
Emotional Eating for Good

Get the Understand and Overcome Emotional Eating Course

Value: $1,247NZD

Most people believe that they just need more willpower or control to stop the emotional eating.

What if willpower was not what was keeping you stuck and you could overcome the emotional eating without even thinking about willpower?

Are you finding yourself looking for food for comfort when you are stressed, sad, or tired?
Do you find yourself seeking out "comfort foods" as a way to cope?
Have you woken up feeling guilty and ashamed of yourself for not having enough “control” the night before?
Do you find yourself making promises to yourself to “be good” today (yet to find yourself in the same position again)?
Are you constantly thinking about food and wishing you could just stop thinking about it?

This cycle does not have to continue

I understand how frustrating it can be to feel so stuck in the emotional eating cycle. The cycle that feels like it will never end. Things go okay for a while, you gain some “control” and start getting on your feet, just to find yourself back where you were when something throws you off.

In order to overcome this emotional eating pattern we need to retrain our brain to not automatically turn towards food to cope. We need to be able to identify each part of the pattern and rewire the way we respond to thoughts/ emotions.

We need to understand the way our thoughts towards ourselves impact our ability to overcome emotional eating and how negative thought patterns keep us stuck.

That is exactly what you will learn to do in

Understand and Overcome Emotional Eating

Your roadmap to overcoming the emotional eating so you can stop turning towards food to cope and start healing your relationship with food.

In this course you will learn exactly how emotional eating is formed and why you can become so stuck in it. You will learn how to start retraining your brain and thought patterns to overcome the emotional eating through a variety of tools. No more relying on willpower!

Here is a breakdown of what this course covers

Module 1:  Getting Clear on What You Want and WHY

In this module we get clear on exactly what you want to achieve and why so you can always have clear motivators to keep you going even when you really don’t want to (hello uncomfortable feelings!).

Module 2: Setting your goals and problem-solving obstacles

In this module we get clear on your goals around overcoming emotional eating so you can have a clear direction forward. And how to have a problem solving mindset when striving for goals, so you can stop letting life situations throw you off and turn back to food to cope.

Modules 1 & 2 value: $249NZD

Module 3: Understanding the emotional eating response

This module goes in-depth into how the emotional eating response is formed so you can have a better understanding of why you emotionally eat and why you have become dependent on it. Learn about the crucial role of your brain in this response so you can understand the dynamics behind overcoming it.

Module 4: Overcoming the emotional eating response

This module dives into HOW to overcome the emotional eating response by retraining your brain and the way you respond to triggers, so you can stop waking up feeling guilty the next day and start feeling in control. In this module you will learn some powerful tools to break the thought and habit patterns keeping you stuck so you can start feeling in control of how you respond to situations and emotions.

Modules 3 & 4 value: $599NZD

Module 5: The power your mindset holds and how to harness it

In this module you will learn how to stop letting your current beliefs hold you back so you can break free from thought patterns that are keeping you stuck. Get practical tools on how to start retraining the way you view yourself and food (and the way you see situations that would trigger the emotional eating response).

Module 6: You are in control

In this module we will go over a few important points including the importance of you knowing you are worthy and how to keep moving forward. So you can break the cycle for good and stop using food to cope with your emotions.

Modules 5 & 6 value: $399NZD

Bonus: This course also comes with a PDF workbook with many exercises (that correlate to the lessons) so you can put what you learn in the lessons into action and overcome the emotional eating.

Private Facebook group: You will also get access to a private Facebook community for those who have purchased this course. This is a safe space for you to get support, ask questions, share your learnings and connect with other people on similar journeys.

Premium option available: There is also limited spaces available for a premium version of this course where you can have 3 coaching sessions with me alongside this course. This is available to add on inside of the course (along with more details).

Total Value: $1,247NZD

Price: $249NZD

"I knew I needed the help to get out of the cycle I was in."

"Makayla has definitely helped me see life through a completely different filter, I'm really happy I took the plunge and asked for help as it's something I really struggle with... I knew I needed the help to get out of the cycle I was in"

Makayla Carpenter - testimonial


"...not stuck on the binging then starving kind of train."

"Now I feel like I have a much healthier relationship with food and am not stuck on the binging then starving kind of train."


Business Owner

"... didn't think I could change"

"I actually didn’t think I could change but desperately wanted to find the contented, confident person I used to be."

" whole life has become more complete and productive as I now can recognize my triggers and use mind techniques to diminish their power."


Business Owner


I am Makayla Carpenter

I am a food freedom coach specializing in empowering you to overcome restrictive dieting and emotional eating.

I know what keeps us stuck and why we keep turning towards food (whether controlling it or using it to avoid feelings); and more importantly HOW to start healing and learning to live the life we DESERVE.

Coming from a rough past with food and myself, I am now super passionate about helping people, just like you, to see their true POWER in healing their relationship with food (and themselves!).

I have created this course because I know that there are so many people out there who are feeling out of control and dependent on food to cope. I have both experienced and seen (with clients) how powerful overcoming emotional eating is in our lives. So I have created this step by step course which is designed to get you well on your way to overcoming the emotional eating!

Secure Your Access to the Course Now

Are you ready to understand and overcome the emotional eating? Get this course now.

Understand and overcome emotional eating


6 core modules with lessons
Printable PDF workbook
Practical steps and tools
Premium add on available

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